
How to Deal with Depression


Depression is a chronic condition that affects millions of Americans. After what has been a tough year for so many worldwide, people are already prone to depressive episodes. The cold weather, shorter days, and more time spent inside worsen things. It’s always essential to spot the signs of depression and fight against them, especially as many countries begin to transition into the winter season.

Deal with Depression

Dealing with depression isn’t easy. It is a highly individual process that sometimes requires medical intervention for most people. It’s normal for people to feel sad occasionally—prolonged feelings of sadness or despair mark depression. For people struggling with depression, it can feel very overwhelming. It can feel very lonely, with no possible end in sight. At its worst, depression can push people to do things like self-harm or trigger suicidal ideation.

If you or someone you know is having a hard time with depression, it’s vital to get the help necessary to start managing the condition. Understanding things that trigger depression, how to cope with feeling depressed, and where to look for resources when needed are vital to effective management of the condition. Here is some helpful information on how you can help yourself or someone you care about deal with depression.

Fighting Feelings of Hopelessness

When you’re stuck in a state of depression, it can feel impossible to get out. Sometimes, it feels like you are folding in on yourself, whirling further into a spiral of despair. You get down on yourself for being depressed, making you feel more depressed!

It’s an irregular cycle, but people have more control over their mental health than they sometimes realize. It’s not easy because depression saps your energy and your sense of optimism about friends, work, school, and other things in your life. Taking the first step is the hardest part.

People who deal with depression must learn to fight back against the creep of symptoms. If you can, reject negative thoughts about yourself or your situation. Build walls as best you can to keep negativity outside. Practice positive thinking and fiercely protect your mental health.

Get Active to Boost Serotonin Levels

If you’re feeling depressed, get up and go outside. You might be low in Vitamin D, and getting sun will help you feel more vibrant and cheerful. If you’re up for it, exercise to get your endorphins going and boost the level of serotonin in your brain.

Make Goals – Set Your Sights Higher

Making goals, from small goals like how many steps you want to get in a day to more long-term career goals, can keep you focused on progress and moving forward. You can track all the positives in your life instead of dwelling on anything someone said or did that can send you into a funk.

Eat the Right Foods

Eating a healthy diet can help you stay balanced and maintain the right energy. This may seem small, but eating nutritious foods containing vitamin C and other essential minerals will make a big difference. Too many folks feel down and turn to food for comfort. That ice cream tastes good, but then you’ll feel bad for eating it, and you could be worse off than before. Eat foods that promote positive body image and energy.

Explore Peptides & Depression

Semax is a synthetic peptide valued for its neurogenic properties. In research conducted on mice, Semax showed that it increased levels of BDNF, which helps regulate the function of the brain regarding depression. Semax also produced results faster than many SSRIs and had minimal side effects. These promising results point to the potential use of Semax in the future.

Ask for Help

Chances are, there are people around you fighting depression right now. For many, it’s a solitary war of emotions we go through alone. It doesn’t have to be like that. If you are feeling depressed, ask for help. Whether it’s help from a friend or a medical professional, you should recognize that you need support and connection. Talk to people who love you, and if you are having difficulty doing that, ask for medical help to explore traditional treatments. With time, you can learn to spot depression triggers and get the right treatments to protect your mind and mental health better.

Jeanna Davila
Writer. Gamer. Pop culture fanatic. Troublemaker. Beer buff. Internet aficionado. Reader. Explorer. Set new standards for getting my feet wet with country music for farmers. Spent college summers lecturing about saliva in Libya. Won several awards for buying and selling barbie dolls in Prescott, AZ. Spent a year implementing Yugos in West Palm Beach, FL. Spent several months creating marketing channels for cigarettes in Deltona, FL. Spent 2001-2004 developing carnival rides in New York, NY.