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How To Tint Your Car Windows – 5 Easy Steps & the Best Window Film plus Benefits


How To Tint Your Car Windows – 5 Easy Steps & the Best Window Film Plus Benefits

Window tinting your car can cost a small fortune, but it adds such a nice touch to your vehicle and gives you lovely shade during the summer. Are you looking for a cheaper alternative to get your windows tinted? If yes, you are reading the right article. You will need a few materials at hand before you begin. Ensure you have a window cleaner, a certified roll of window tint film, a spray bottle of hot water, a small hand squeegee, a tape measure, an application solution, and an edge razor. Once you have all these items, you can begin with these five tips.


If dirt or dust is left on your window when you begin, it could make your tint look very bad and bumpy. Use soap and water or a specified glass cleaner to clean your windows thoroughly. Do this several times, at least three or more. If you can, do your tinting in a garage. This will protect you from dirt and dust settling on your windows. Also, be careful with the process; you don’t want to cut corners when cleaning the glass.


Measurements are everything when it comes to car tinting. Before you buy your tint, use your measuring tape to measure the surfaces you will tint. Make sure that you are purchasing the right amount. You must ensure you have purchased enough material for your front and rear windows. Also, while buying, allow an extra 2 inches than you measured for each window. This will come in handy later in the process.


After measuring, the next step is to cut the tint into the sizes you calculated for each window. Before you miss your film to place on the window, make sure there are at least 2 inches around each end of the window. Lay the tint sheets over each window to ensure you have cut a piece of film at least two inches longer than needed on each end. You can cut the excess off as you install the window tint.

How To Tint Your Car Windows – 5 Easy Steps & the Best Window Film plus Benefits 1


The next step is to spray the application solution onto the glass and remove the film’s adhesive backing. Make sure the sticky part is facing the window. Remember not to place the whole movie on the window, as this can cause bubbling. Begin at the bottom of the window, attach the sticky portion, and smooth it out as you move upward. Cut off the excess edges with the razor.


Use a hard plastic squeegee to smooth the film and move the air bubbles towards the edges. Take your hand squeegee and smooth out any bubbles and creases. The trick is to use a spray bottle full of hot water to spray on the glass to make it easier for your squeegee to smooth it out. Cut off any extra film tint and wipe away excess water with a towel.

Jeanna Davila
Writer. Gamer. Pop culture fanatic. Troublemaker. Beer buff. Internet aficionado. Reader. Explorer. Set new standards for getting my feet wet with country music for farmers. Spent college summers lecturing about saliva in Libya. Won several awards for buying and selling barbie dolls in Prescott, AZ. Spent a year implementing Yugos in West Palm Beach, FL. Spent several months creating marketing channels for cigarettes in Deltona, FL. Spent 2001-2004 developing carnival rides in New York, NY.